Samsung recently launched many Samsung Odyssey high-end gaming monitors globally. Whether it be the Deagon Knight G7 32-inch monitor in China, or the Odyssey Ark 55-inch 4K monitor in India. Adding to its vast lineup, the South Korean- giant unveiled a new high-end 43-inch gaming monitor in its domestic market. It is called Samsung Odyssey Neo G7 (G70NC) which is expected to launch on 2 January 2023. However, there are rumors that Samsung is most likely to launch this 43-inch gaming monitor at CES 2023 to expand it to the global market. Â
As for the specifications and features, this monitor comes with a Quantum Mini-LED display with a 3,840 x 2,160 resolution (4K), and a 16: 9 aspect ratio. The display supports a 144Hz refresh rate and has a VESA-certified Display HDR 600 capability and a
1,000,000:1 high contrast ratio for a better gaming experience.
There are various useful ports in Odyssey Neo G7 like a DisplayPort 1.4, 2x HDMI 2.1 ports, and 2x USB 3.0 ports. The 43-inch PS5 gaming monitor comes with 20W stereo speakers and an adjustable display that can shift from 20 inches to 43 inches.
Moreover, this new monitor comes pre-installed with Samsung Gaming Hub, a streaming game platform service, so you can easily enjoy cloud games without connecting to a separate device. Along with this, you can easily enjoy various OTT services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+ Hotstar, Apple TV, etc. without connecting to a PC or streaming device, all thanks to the OTT inclusion.
Samsung will start selling the new Odyssey Neo G7 in South Korea which is priced at 1.2 million won roughly $982 US dollars. On the other hand, the global launch of Samsung Odyssey Neo G7 will take place at CES 2023, which will happen in Las Vegas from January 5, 2023.Â
Also read: Best DisplayPort Gaming Monitors Buying Guide in 2023